Wednesday, 29 May 2013



How are we all? 

Your day will get just a little bit better, maybe, as I announce the premier of the We Are Cardiff Film!


I have been volunteering with We Are Cardiff (Wales' best blog of the year 2012 I'll have you know) for, well I don't remember; is it two or three years? Or is it four? Either way, that project and the people involved are like my family. I love to hate them. Joking. I hate to love them. Kidding again! I just love them! 

The We Are Cardiff Film has been in the making for around 18 months now and is coming to an end, and what a way to end it than having a premier showing of the film at Chapter Arts on the 7th of July, 2013. The film will start at 12:30pm at a fantastic price of £6, you will also find tea and cake there (and a bar for you hardcore sunday-funday people). What's not to love?!

Once you've done that, RSVP here so we know you're coming! 

You are ALL welcome. It will be a great celebratory of the great city of Cardiff, and a jolly good day out. As if you have anything else better to do on a Sunday, ey?

I can't wait!

See you there. 


Thursday, 25 April 2013

The End is Nigh

So, I'm having quite a hectic week. I only have another few weeks left of uni, and then the graduate exhibition in June, so the reality of actually finishing now is well and truly HERE.

On Monday I did one of my final shoots in the studio, doing something a little out of my comfort zone - working with video to make a short film to accompany my final images for my FMP. It was really fun, and can't wait to get editing the footage, even though I am a complete noob, you gotta learn these things at some point though, right?

Here's a teeny sneak peak for you. (All this work will be shown in an exhibition @ The Rag Factory, London June 13th)

I have another two shoots lined up for this week, although being so dependant on weather (and welsh weather at that!) is a pain in the buttocks, tonight is a total right off as it's decided to cloud over (doing nightscapes/astrophotography has it's downsides). But it's looking positive for the next couple of days so will have to cram them in and hope for the best! Not to put any pressure on myself or anything...sigh.

Otherwise, I'm working my ass off for the other elements of my last ever university hand in. Last ever...

Oh, and blogging, of course.


Monday, 22 April 2013


Richard Mosse

Landscapes, like in your dream landscapes. CRAZY ASS LANDSCAPES. Waaah!

 I can't help but to drool over these images, they are just so luscious and, well lush! Infrared images give this image its striking pink colours which lets face it, even the XY's amongst us would love this to be real. Maybe it's the fantasy of these images which make them so exotic and beautiful, making something we know so well- something we might consider mundane - to become magical and fantastical. I stamp my approval all over it. 


Image source -

Sunday, 21 April 2013

dot com


Blood, sweat, tears, broken fingernails, everything has gone into this website. It has been a real learning curve, having never built a website before, I took up the challenge. Whether I have succeeded or not is another matter, but for now, I am fairly content with it. But as any person knows, an artists work is never complete - I'll be fiddling with it forever no doubt. 

*   *

Please go over and take a quick look. Love it, like it or hate it let me know! Being a freelance photographer is starting to become very real now, and with only a couple of weeks left of uni the reality of life is becoming imminent. I'm excited for what the future holds, and hopefully you'll be seeing lots of new images and updates on the website! 


Saturday, 13 April 2013

Pen Y Fan

This month we had one good day of unexpected sunshine. Living so near to the Brecon Beacons is such a wonderful thing, takes such little planning and time to go and see some of the most beautiful scenery the earth has to offer. So at any opportunity I like to take advantage of my surroundings! 

Here's some quick pictures from the walk. 

This was also an opportunity for us to take the new Go Pro out for a proper testing, we mounted it onto a AR. Drone to get some ariel shots of Pen Y Fan. Here it is looking frighteningly intimidating in front of some mountains. 

Here's a cow. 

Check out a little video we made from our trip!

Need a little more practice with the AR. Drone but the Go Pro is SO much fun, and cant wait to take it out to capture some more footage! 


Thursday, 4 April 2013

Quite Time

I've been neglecting this blog a bit recently. I know, I'm full of neglect and excuses. This time though, it isn't the dreaded dissertation that's been distracting me, but, a brand new spanking website that I'm working on.

Don't tell blogger, but it's on wordpress. I'm cyber cheating on Blogger. Shht. 

I'm so close to finishing it, I can't wait to show you all! I'm having a good friend and amazing designer Adam Chard (Croatoan Design) to help me with some cool font/logo-ey type stuff so I'm hoping it'll look sick. Sick as in good. Not puke.

Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for an update soon with a link to my website.



p.s I still love you blogger, you're so chilled and easy to live with, wordpress is far too complicated and has some issues it needs to work out, but you both please me in different ways. Don't judge.

p.p.s I'm also cheating on you with facebook. I'm such an internet slag! (Go look and like!)

Friday, 8 March 2013

International Women's Day!

Happy International Women's Day to all you awesome females around the world! 

I think it's great to have a day like this (and just after World book day too - what an great week!) as it's not only fantastic to celebrate being a woman and to rejoice in all the progress we have made over the years, but it's also a great way to support and raise awareness of the women who do not yet have to safety, security and privileges that others do. By 'privileges' I actually mean, an entitlement to education, freedom of speech, and generally not being subjected, discriminated and abused. Hmm, Privileges. 

I'm often asked "why are you a feminist when you live in Britain, surely there's no need?" or "feminism is dead, why do you bother?". It is because of these comments that I AM a feminist. We have driven forward massively in the UK in terms of female rights, we can thank the suffragettes for that. I'm lucky that I am in control of my body, I've had great opportunities to study and work, and my dreams are not shattered just because I am a girl. Hurrah! I have however, been subjected to sexual harassment, undermined by men, and witness men objectifying women on a daily basis. These are minor issues compared to the suffering of other women in the world, but it does show that the UK is not as progressed as some people might imagine. 

The main focus for me though is to try in any way to support other women around the world. It doesn't take much searching to realise how differently women are treated in other parts of the world. India for one has been on our news feed's recently, but the hideous violence continues to be rife there. The Middle East and Africa with their high statistics of domestic violence, genital mutilation and attacks are also evidence of horrific actions towards women.

The quote above by Lorde is the best explanation of how I feel. Because I am privileged and have been able to get an education, I am able to stand up for other women who haven't been able to have the same. Maybe just writing a little blog, or getting riled up on social media is not enough, but it's better than nothing. I hope one day that I, along with other awesome women, can make a real difference, like UN Women do throughout the year to support and help change the worlds perception on women.

Today I am proud to be a feminist. And I hope that all the women out there today walk with their head held high knowing how absolutely amazing she is. 

Happy International Women's Day everyone! 


Image 1 - A girl's guide to taking over the world. 
Image 2 - Rabid Feminist

Some recommended facebook pages/Websites:

Rabid Feminist (img 2)

Thursday, 7 March 2013


Sarah Maple

This week I want to show you something from Sarah Maple. She's an amazing young artist working with painting and photography and even some guerilla style political stuffs. She's so cool.

For my dissertation, I was looking into controversy within art, and especially within the Middle East and Muslim women. Maple, being a Muslim herself, but living in Britain gives her the freedom to make interesting, uncensored work. And boy does she make the most of it. She's ruffled a few feathers in her time but it is all with good intention.

I for one think controversy is of major importance, especially in art. Life would be so boring if no one ever tested political, social boundaries. And Sarah is especially interesting to me, as she's a feminist, and a Muslim, two things we don't often associate together. She was even kind enough to do an online interview with me for my work, so extra cool points to her!

Self Portrait with my Mother's Headscarf and the breast...

This was one of the images I used to illustrate Maples work in my dissertation. It was hard to chose from the huge collection Maple has created for herself, but something drew me to this painting (ye ye not the boob!) but it's a really striking image to have the association of the Islamic headscarf and nudity in one image. Anyway, I highly recommend as always to check out her other work, she really does have a mixture of different media, styles etc so there plenty to look at!


Image © Sarah Maple

Monday, 4 March 2013

99% Nothing Taster

Dip your tongue into this. Or don't actually, you don't want your screen all wet and smudgy. 

Anyway, I thought it was about time you all got a little teaser of my latest project. I've been working on it for a couple of months now, and have an exhibition in London in the summer to show it all off - I'm sure I'll update you about that nearer the time. 

So, here it is, 99% Nothing.

That's all I'm giving you folks, I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. 


Image copyright Ffion Matthews

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Dissertation Done!

Dun, dun dun... I have been waiting for this day for a while. Indeed, today was the deadline for the Dissertation.

I think I'm one of very few people who actually almost enjoyed writing a dissertation. It's called 'A voice for the Voiceless: Art, controversy and the Muslim woman'. It is on a subject that I feel really strongly about, and much to my surprise, I'm still not bored or fed up about the subject. I guess you can't tame a feminist ey? 

Here's a sneak peak inside of my book. I bet you're all so desperate to get hold of it, aren't you?! I also have to give a huge thank you to Sarah Maple who was lovely enough to do an interview with me for my work, she will be appearing in my Ffoto of the Week very soon! She's ace. 

Anyway, here's us celebrating the end of the dissertation era and making the most of the last very short time we have left in uni. BEER. 

I also bought myself a cat mug as a treat. Oh yeaaaaah. 

Stipy cat, fat cat, thinking cat, cool cat
and so on..

While drinking some tea from my awesome mug, I just found myself mindlessly watching escape to the country. What's wrong with me?! My brain cells obviously need a rest after all that thunking I done. 


Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Pinterest Newbie

Pinterest. Something that I have avoided like the plague while doing my dissertation, as I knew for a fact that I would instantly become addicted and not get any work done, ever.

I have today however taken the plunge and made an account. I am a super newbie, but look forward to getting into it.

You can find me on there here -

Happy pinning!


Friday, 8 February 2013


Hayley Nash

Losing the will to live with my dissertation. Thank Jehovah for pretty pictures to distract me and make us all feel better. My Ffoto of the Week comes from Hayley Nash, a fellow photographer and friend, and I ain't just being biased, but her stuff rocks. She manages to keep this cool flow of pastel colours running through her images weather it's fashion, or architecture or anything else that takes her fancy.

I absolutely love her latest work called Space, and below is my personal favourite from the series. I have a massive love for concrete jungles and cool urban images, and these tick all the boxes, with a contemporary twist by introducing forced symmetry. Can't wait to see what she comes out with next.


Keep an eye out for here here:
Image copyright -
Blog -

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Right, so with all my uni work and general life, Ffoto of the Week is becoming a bit sporadic. I'm sorry, alright! But that just means I will try even harder to get even better and more interesting images for you all.

Ahn Jun has an amazing series of self portraits to take your breath away. I'm not sure whether she has a thrill for heights, or what, but the views that she offers in most of her self portraits are remarkable. She's got guts, I'll give her that.

What strikes me with her images though, is that they are not your usual self portraits. They offer, like I said, an amazing view - she just happens to be standing right in there. This on paper doesn't sound amazing, but her presence in the images give a reality of being there in the moment. Giving the viewer a realisation of danger, or vertigo. She is putting herself in the situation. And in some of the images, offering a new perspective of the landscapes.

What can I say? I absolutely love her work. Wish I had the nerve to do something like this.

She has loads more on her website that you can check out.


Image Copyright Ahn Jun.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Opinions Wanted



This is a "I need your help!" post. I'm currently doing some research for my dissertation. I won't bore you with the details, but I've made a survey just to collect some more data and personal views by you, the amazing public. So if you could take a minute to do it that would be wonderful! 

It's all anonymous and what not so you can be as honest as you like, I'll never know!
And a massive thanks in advance if you do take part. 

Here's the link to the survey -

And hey, if you for any bizarre reason you have any extra stuff you want to talk about that isn't asked in the survey, or you have a particular interest in the subject, we can discuss it even further. Just give me a comment! :)


Thursday, 17 January 2013


This is exactly how I feel right now. I think the most crazy I can be though, is to watch this film. Pour a gin. And fall asleep. Having ignored my work. Crazyyyyy

Feel like I need a break from reality. I'm a bit of a film buff (basically I like films that aren't the Hangover or Magic Mike), so watching films is a great distraction from me. And this is one of my favourite films, and this quote is so true, I think I've gone crazy a few times just to stay above the invisible water. Does anyone else rely on films to switch off? If so what films do you prefer? Help me stay sane! 


Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Tag, You're It.

Today I learnt that women in Saudi Arabia will now be electronically tracked, so that their "guardian" will be able to know where they are, with warning updates. As if they haven't been restrictive enough up until now... 

Saudi Arabia is renowned for it's lack of respect and rights for women. It certainly seems to be competing against itself to become the most regressive country regarding these issues. As a feminist, you can imagine that this isn't the best kind of news that I enjoy hearing about, we all hope that countries like this will start to progress somewhat into the 21st century, not degrade women even further to almost the point of a runt animal. 

Women of Saudi are stripped from most of the norms that we see standard today. Voting, travelling, meeting friends for a drink or chat, isn't something that Saudi women can enjoy. The suffragettes fought  to win the vote for women in the UK in 1928, as did most other countries. However, Saudi Arabia have never allowed women the right to vote*, it is apparently changing in future elections, but personally, I'm not holding my breath. 

Traveling is probably the most important right that is taken away from Saudi Women. They are allowed to travel with the written permission from their guardian, so it is completely up to the male on whether they are allowed or not. But even then, it doesn't necessarily make it certain that they will be able to travel. There have been recorded events where women have had all the formal documents and permission but have not been granted to travel by the border control or security as they personally don't wish for the woman to travel. This whole notion of making the woman ask permission for everything belittles them so that they may as well be a child. It is elevating the man to a hierarchy that the woman must comply to, and with no questions asked, of course. 

The issue I have with the prohibition of traveling, is that it disables the woman to ever leaving. Duh, I hear you say. But it is not just about being stuck physically, but also mentally, and spiritually. Being born in Saudi Arabia is a prison in itself for some women. You must comply to the way that they want you to be. You are born into Islam, you have a strict dress-code, very little chance of a job let alone a career, and likely to be married to someone you are not even in love with. Some women are happy about that situation, and even though I cannot empathise with that, I'm almost glad as their innocent ignorance might be bliss to them, and help them live a life of some kind of happiness. But what about the other women, the women who want more. The women who know they are capable of so much, when society expects so little of them. What choice or right do they have? Well, little to none. The fact that they are not permitted to travel means that they will never be able to live in a country that lets them thrive in an environment which enables them to an education and opportunities in life that they want. And what man would ever knowingly agree to his sister, wife or daughter go and live this life which is so against everything they have ever been told or taught. 

Manal Al-Dowayan work 'Suspended Together' looks at the issue of travel for women in Saudi Arabia. The beautiful image of a flock of doves flying usually represents freedom and purity, but with a closer look these birds have been imprinted with ink, and are frozen in air. Neither pure, nor free. 

"The artist reached out to a large group of leading women from Saudi Arabia to donate their permission documents for inclusion in this artwork. “Suspended Together” carries the documents of award-winning scientists, educators, journalists, engineers, artists and leaders with groundbreaking achievements that gave back to their society. The youngest contributor is six months old and the oldest is 60 years old. In the artist’s words, “regardless of age and achievement, when it comes to travel, all these women are treated like a flock of suspended doves.”

The birds are imprinted with the permission slips of women to travel, each one personal to an individual, showing their travel rights attached to this one dove representing them. The fact that she went and found women to take part and give their documents gives a sense of women coming together and portraying their life in maybe a more creative way then ever possible before. Al-Dowayan's work first gave me hope of change for these issues as her work was enabling women to take part in such a public and personal matter in a sensitive manner, and maybe making women think twice through this work about the treatment of women in their country. But unfortunately, they really do live in a men's world. With developments such as this electronic tracking, it seems that men are become ever more worried about their women wanting to flee, thus bringing stricter ways to track women and putting even more power into the hands of men, and suppressing the women even more than before.

It will be interesting to see the developments of this debate, and see what effect these electronic tracking have on women in Saudi Arabia, and as a society as a whole. 
We can only hope that the shock collar won't be coming next. 


*Note: The Vatican City also denies women the right to vote. (But thats a whole other story, I'll let you come to your own conclusion of that.)

Sunday, 6 January 2013


So, a new year begins again. A bit of a scary one for me, I graduate this year, that means finding ending my time at uni, finding some sort of means to be able to carry on living, and actually facing up to real life. Oh dear. 

So, for my first Ffoto Of the Week of the year, yikes, I'm showing Trevor Paglen's work. I've been looking at a lot of his stuff this year, this is one in which is inspiring me as I would love to take some more landscape images like this. It has a lovely quality to it, with the tones and linear elements making almost surreal. I don't usually play around with black and white that often, so my new years resolution is to do more black and white work. 

Happy New Year!


Trevor Paglen Website: