Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The Three T's

Take Time to Think

A wise woman once said to me, thinking is important. 

Thinking. Hmm. Surely we think all the time, we think even if it's subconsciously, crazy. We set the alarm to wake us up another day; what to wear today, what will I have for lunch, are those new shoes really necessary? That's thinking, right? 

I'm one of those over thinkers. People are always telling me "You think too much!" or "You're over-thinking things" as if it's such a bad thing, but it's my way of analysing a situation or occurrence. This gives me a logistical or well thought out process of action from me, if needs be. Yes those shoes are definitely necessary.

But when was the last time we sat down and really thought. Not about todays work politics, or how many calories have been consumed. But taking the time to stop, hear what your mind has to say, and really listen. Sometime with such a busy lifestyle and schedule, something that I believe is so instinctive, the connection with our mind and thoughts has been lost, and we've given it the job of sifting through everyday shit that we "think" is important. We are too busy for ourselves most of the time, a luxury we are privileged enough to have, yet too often dismiss. 

Well, thinking is important. Go. Take a break. Listen to you what you have to say to yourself. Be armed with not your phone, or your workload, but your time. Go and be alone with your thoughts, whether it be in the bath, on a park bench, or in bed. You don't require any fancy gadgets, just yourself. 

Enjoy, be upset, get angry. But think. 

Today I took the time to think. 
Time thinking is not time wasted. 


Sunday, 21 October 2012

Swn Fest 2012

Had an amazing time running around filming/photographing the goings on of the City this weekend. All the video footage is for the We Are Cardiff Film, which you'll have to wait for, I'm afraid. Something quite different for me, not usually one to photograph bands, but it was great to see great live acts and have a good time while working too.

Anyway, here's a little sneak peak of the day...

Made In Roath

Kutosis @ Underton, Swn. 

Islet @ Chapter Arts, Swn.


Sunday, 14 October 2012

Autumn beauty

A gorgeous Autumns day cannot be passed without making the most of the warm sunshine against your cold skin. Went for a walk around Cosmeston Park, enjoying the clean air and muddy paths through the woods. Here's a couple of images to get you in the Autumn-y mood! 

(Apologies for low res images, the photographer forgot her camera, it seemed. Doh.)


Friday, 12 October 2012

Light - Short Film

Short film exploring the light and colours that fill your home that often goes unnoticed. Just a bit of fun.


Thursday, 11 October 2012

Gelynis Farm

Discovering and exploring a little corner of Cardiff previously unknown, Gelynis Farm. In the heart of Radyr this little area of bliss lets you escape the bustle of the city and relax in its surroundings.
